Updated School Calendar


March 24 - Early Release Day for Students (previously Teacher Planning Day) May 27 - Full Day for Students (No Early Release for Middle/High) 

May 21, 22, 23, 27 (previously May 19, 20, 21) - Senior Final Exams *Please note: May 27 will be a Senior Makeup Exam Day

May 27 & 28 - Full Days for ALL Students (No Early Release for Middle/High)

The revised calendar can be found here (https://santarosaschools.org/en-us/24-25-district-calendar-4380d775) and attached to the email version of this message. You can also find it on our social media page and on our district homepage under “Calendars” for 2024-2025.

Parent Caregiver Experience Survey

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

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As part of our commitment to providing continuous service excellence to our families and our community, we are conducting a survey in partnership with Studer Education.  Your feedback will help us determine what is working well in your child’s school and any areas that may need improvement.

The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. We encourage you to complete it in one sitting, as your responses will be saved once you click submit.  The survey will ask you to select your child’s school, and you can complete a separate survey for each of the schools your children attend. 

The Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey can be accessed here:

●       Santa Rosa County District Schools – Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey 


The survey is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18 through **Friday, March 14.**To maintain confidentiality of the Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey, our partners at Studer Education will be administering the survey, managing the data collection, and aggregating the data to provide results reports to leaders.

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Thank you for your commitment to our success!

Upcoming Events
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Purple Star Campus
Purple Star Campus
Free and Reduced Meals Application 24-25

If your students received free or reduce meals last year, you still need to apply…you have until September 22, 2024, to do so before benefits expire.

ONLY online applications are being accepted this school year.

Where do you go to reapply? www.myschoolapps.com

PM 2 Testing Dates